1. Choose the correct word.
{Test on Unit 5
1. Who/which/what of them lives in Canada?

2. Who/which/what can speak English?

3. Who/which/what flowers grow in our forests?

4. My mom comes/goes to the market every week.

5. The castle is so beautiful. Let’s go/come in.

6. Excuse me/sorry. I couldn’t come/go to your party yesterday.

7. Excuse me/Tm sorry, is there a restaurant near here?

8. Excuse me/sorry. could you help me?

9. Tell/say the time, please?
11. My sister told/said to me where the castle was.

12. People say/tell they like the new church.

13. We usual/usually don’t go to church.

14. The man talked to me kind/kindly.

15. The question is easy/easily.

16. The weather is wonderful. Let’s go/come out and swim in the lake.

17. He says/tells the airport is across the street.

18. She greeted me warm/warmly.

19.1t’s cold/coldlyoutside. Ц
10. Father told/said us to go to bed. 20. The coat is not my/mine.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1. Choose the correct word.
{Test on Unit 5
1. Who/which/what of them lives in Canada?

2. Who/which/what can speak English?

3. Who/which/what flowers grow in our forests?

4. My mom comes/goes to the market every week.

5. The castle is so beautiful. Let’s go/come in.

6. Excuse me/sorry. I couldn’t come/go to your party yesterday.

7. Excuse me/Tm sorry, is there a restaurant near here?

8. Excuse me/sorry. could you help me?

9. Tell/say the time, please?
11. My sister told/said to me where the castle was.

12. People say/tell they like the new church.

13. We usual/usually don’t go to church.

14. The man talked to me kind/kindly.

15. The question is easy/easily.

16. The weather is wonderful. Let’s go/come out and swim in the lake.

17. He says/tells the airport is across the street.

18. She greeted me warm/warmly.

19.1t’s cold/coldlyoutside. Ц
10. Father told/said us to go to bed. 20. The coat is not my/mine.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. Which

2. Who

3. What

4. goes

5. come in

6. Sorry, go

7. Excuse me

8. Excuse me

9. Say

11. told

12. tell

13. usually

14. kindly

15. easy


17. tells

18. warmly

19. cold

20. said

10. minе

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