1 Поставьте артикль a или an 1 Tom is ___ student. 2 This is ___ apple. 3 Give me ____ orange. 4 There is ___ big carpet on the floor. 2 Вставьте вместо пропусков глаголы am, is, are: a) I ___ a pupil of 5th form. b) She ___ a good doctor. c) They ___ not at home. d) My mother ___ an engineer. e) Dogs ___ in the street. f) I ___ not a pilot. 3 Напишите существительные во множественном числе: a) child ___________________ b) cap ____________________ c) camera _________________ d) brush ___________________ e) lady ____________________ f) game ____________________ 4 Выпишите лишнее слово из логической цепочки слов: a) pen, book, school bag, pencil, bed ____________ b) armchair, fridge, hospital, table, cupboard, lamp _______ c) sheep, pig, dog, girl, hen, cat ________________ d) chair, dad, son, daughter, granny, aunt _____________ e) butter, cake, rice, parrot, meat _________________ f) summer, spring, jacket, winter_____________________ 5 Составьте предложения из слов: 1 went, year, to Moscow, last, They___________________ 2 It, in winter, is, very cold._________________________________ 3 a lot of sweets, There, in the box, are._____________________ 4 Did, clean, your room, you, yesterday?_____________________ 5 pictures, like, taking, Do, you ?_____________ 6 Выберите нужное слово и заполните пропуски: 1 I always ______ my homework in the evening. a)have b)do c)make 2 Mag ______ the flowers every morning. a)washes b)waters c)cleans 3 When do you usually ______ lunch? a)go b)have c)do 4.______ you do your homework two days ago? a)Do b)Will c)Did 5.His sister ______ puzzles yesterday. a) didn’t play b) doesn’t play c) won’t play 6.My sister is the __________ pupil in her class. a) good b) better c) best 7.This baby is the __________ baby in the world. a)smart b) smarter c)smartest 8.Tigers are __________ than dogs. a) big b) bigger c) biggest

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1 Поставьте артикль a или an
1 Tom is ___ student.
2 This is ___ apple.
3 Give me ____ orange.
4 There is ___ big carpet on the floor.
2 Вставьте вместо пропусков глаголы am, is,
a) I ___ a pupil of 5th form.
b) She ___ a good doctor.
c) They ___ not at home.
d) My mother ___ an engineer.
e) Dogs ___ in the street.
f) I ___ not a pilot.
3 Напишите существительные во
множественном числе:
a) child ___________________
b) cap ____________________
c) camera _________________
d) brush ___________________
e) lady ____________________
f) game ____________________
4 Выпишите лишнее слово из логической
цепочки слов:
a) pen, book, school bag, pencil, bed
b) armchair, fridge, hospital, table, cupboard,
lamp _______
c) sheep, pig, dog, girl, hen, cat
d) chair, dad, son, daughter, granny, aunt
e) butter, cake, rice, parrot, meat
f) summer, spring, jacket,
5 Составьте предложения из слов:
1 went, year, to Moscow, last, They___________________
2 It, in winter, is, very cold._________________________________
3 a lot of sweets, There, in the box, are._____________________
4 Did, clean, your room, you, yesterday?_____________________
5 pictures, like, taking, Do, you ?_____________
6 Выберите нужное слово и заполните пропуски:
1 I always ______ my homework in the evening.
a)have b)do c)make
2 Mag ______ the flowers every morning.
a)washes b)waters c)cleans
3 When do you usually ______ lunch?
a)go b)have c)do
4.______ you do your homework two days ago?
a)Do b)Will c)Did
5.His sister ______ puzzles yesterday.
a) didn’t play b) doesn’t play c) won’t play
6.My sister is the __________ pupil in her class.
a) good b) better c) best
7.This baby is the __________ baby in the world.
a)smart b) smarter c)smartest
8.Tigers are __________ than dogs.
a) big b) bigger c) biggest

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1.1. a

2. an

3. an

4. a

2. a) am

b) is

c) are

d) is

e) are

f) am

3. a) children

b)  caps

c) cameras

d) brushes

e) ladies

f) games

4. bed




5. They went to moscov last year

In winter is very cold

There are a lot of sweets

Did you clean your room yesterday

Do you like taking pictures

6. do




doesnt play





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