Являются ли данные грамматически правильными? (+) да, (-) нет. Пример: 1.+ 2.- 1. I don’t mind to go to the cinema with my little sister 2. In the film people fight for their survival 3. You can to read my film review 4.Boys, have you solved the problem yourself 5. I discourange him to take part in the short film festival because his film was really good 6. We were lucky to buy the last tickets for the show.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Являются ли данные грамматически правильными? (+) да, (-) нет. Пример: 1.+
1. I don’t mind to go to the cinema with my little sister
2. In the film people fight for their survival
3. You can to read my film review
4.Boys, have you solved the problem yourself
5. I discourange him to take part in the short film festival because his film was really good
6. We were lucky to buy the last tickets for the show.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


Вроде так 1+ 2+ 3- 4+ 5+ 6+

могу ошибаться


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