Хелп плиз — Выбрать слова из рамочки и поставить в предложения [ totally * such * means * with * more * themselves * actually] For me, computers are a (1) _________ to an end, nothing (2)_________ . I don’t find them interesting in (3) __________ . They enable me to do things that I need to do, (4) ________ as sending emails or checking information on websites to help me (5) __________ my homework or connected to one of my hobbies. But (6) __________ my sister the situation is (7) ________ different. It’s like you can’t believe we’re (8) ___________ related. She is obsessed with computers. I don’t understand, but that’s the truth.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Хелп плиз
— Выбрать слова из рамочки и поставить в предложения
[ totally * such * means * with * more * themselves * actually]

For me, computers are a (1) _________ to an end, nothing (2)_________ . I don’t find them interesting in (3) __________ . They enable me to do things that I need to do, (4) ________ as sending emails or checking information on websites to help me (5) __________ my homework or connected to one of my hobbies. But (6) __________ my sister the situation is (7) ________ different. It’s like you can’t believe we’re (8) ___________ related. She is obsessed with computers. I don’t understand, but that’s the truth.

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