Утворити хвостаті запитання (роз’єднувальні). The father is reading a newspaper,____________? The grandfather isn’t reading a book,___________? You speak English,________? She doesn’t speak English,______? This is a large room,____________? There is a bookshelf in the room,___________?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Утворити хвостаті запитання (роз’єднувальні).

The father is reading a newspaper,____________?

The grandfather isn’t reading a book,___________?

You speak English,________?

She doesn’t speak English,______?

This is a large room,____________?

There is a bookshelf in the room,___________?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. isn’t he

2. is he

3. don’t you

4. does she

5. isn’t it

6. isn’t it

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