Употребите в предложениях один из данных глаголов: hurt teach spend sell throw fall catch cost buy 1) My father…me how to drive when I was 17. 2) James…down the stairs and…his leg. 3) We needed some money so we…our summer house. 4) They…a lot of money yesterday. They…a dishwasher which…10000 roubles. 5) The boy…the ball to the dog and the dog…it.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Употребите в предложениях один из данных глаголов:
hurt teach spend sell throw fall catch cost buy
1) My father…me how to drive when I was 17. 2) James…down the stairs and…his leg. 3) We needed some money so we…our summer house. 4) They…a lot of money yesterday. They…a dishwasher which…10000 roubles. 5) The boy…the ball to the dog and the dog…it.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 taught 2 fall, hurt 3 sold 4 spent, bought, cost 5 threw, caught

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