Умоляю, ПОМОГИТЕ! ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО! ECO-Action (Environmental Community Action; www.eco-act.org) is a new environmental group in your city. In order to encourage more people to take part in community activities, such as clearing up the local surroundings, they have decided to ask secondary school students to design a leaflet, which would invite people to participate in the forthcoming project and also provide necessary information.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

ECO-Action (Environmental Community Action; www.eco-act.org) is a new environmental group in your city. In order to encourage more people to take part in community activities, such as clearing up the local surroundings, they have decided to ask secondary school students to design a leaflet, which would invite people to participate in the forthcoming project and also provide necessary information.

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