СРОЧНО!Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets ().ПЕРВЫЙ ТЕКСТ Leif Ericson (be) possibly the first European to set foot in North America. In about AD 1000, he and his men (sail) north from Greenland and then south along the coast to Newfoundland. When they landed, they (cut) down trees and (build) houses. They (not meet) any people. They (find) grapes, so they called the new land Vinland. They (spend) the winter there, and then (bring) wood and grapes back to Greenland.И ВТОРОЙ ТЕКСТ Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese explorer. In 1497, he (leave) Lisbon, Portugal, and (go) around Africa’s Cape of Good Hope. He (stop) many times along the coast of Africa and finally reached India in 1498. At that time, many people (think) that this was impossible. They (not know) that the Indian Ocean was connected to any other seas.​​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets ().

Leif Ericson
(be) possibly the first European to set foot in North America. In about AD 1000, he and his men
(sail) north from Greenland and then south along the coast to Newfoundland. When they landed, they
(cut) down trees and
(build) houses. They
(not meet) any people. They
(find) grapes, so they called the new land Vinland. They
(spend) the winter there, and then
(bring) wood and grapes back to Greenland.


Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese explorer. In 1497, he
(leave) Lisbon, Portugal, and
(go) around Africa’s Cape of Good Hope. He
(stop) many times along the coast of Africa and finally reached India in 1498. At that time, many people
(think) that this was impossible. They
(not know) that the Indian Ocean was connected to any other seas.​​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1) is

2) sailed

3) cut

4) built

5) didn’t meet

6) found

7) spent

8) brought

1) left

2) went

3) stopped

4) thought

5) didn’t know

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