срочно — 40б Write about the country you like (England or Ukraine). Use this plan: -culture, historical places; — weather; -sport; — one interesting thing. 10-15 sentences.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

срочно — 40б
Write about the country you like (England or Ukraine).
Use this plan:
-culture, historical places;
— weather;
— one interesting thing.
10-15 sentences.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


England is known for its culture, inspiring theaters, diverse music, famous poets and so on.

For many centuries, different events took places in the motherland of Shakespeare, the Beatles and Agatha Christie, and immigrants from different countries influenced the English culture.

England has large cities such as Liverpool, Manchester, historical cities like Oxford and Cambridge, we can confidently say that English culture developed world culture and made a huge contribution.

The climate is moody in England. There are many cloudy days and precipitation due to the strong wind, blowing from the northern Atlantic Ocean.

What about sports, many sports were formed in England, but I want to note that the birth of football happened in England. The rules and regulations were written here for the first time.

Afternoon tea is an old British tradition of having tea between 3 and 5 o’clock p.m, accompanied by sweet slices of food. It is such a ritual in the culture of communication of the English people.

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