Срочно помогите пожалуйста III. Complete the following sentences with «SOME» or «ANY». 1) You can call us ……………………………………………… day you want. 2) Would you like ………………………………… orange juice?-Yes, please. 3) He doesn’t have ………………………….. experience of this kind of work. 4) Peter and Alison haven’t got………………………………………..children. 5) There is still ………….. chocolate cake left. Would you like another piece? 6) Please phone me if you have ……………………………………. problems. 7) Could you give me ……………………………….. bread? — Yes, certainly. 8) Do you have ………………… previous experience about this kind of job? 9) She has to do ………………………….……………………….. housework. 10) Can I give you ……………………………………………………..advice?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Срочно помогите пожалуйста
III. Complete the following sentences with «SOME» or «ANY».
You can call us ……………………………………………… day you want.
Would you like ………………………………… orange juice?-Yes, please.
He doesn’t have ………………………….. experience of this kind of work.
Peter and Alison haven’t got………………………………………..children.
There is still ………….. chocolate cake left. Would you like another piece?
Please phone me if you have ……………………………………. problems.
Could you give me ……………………………….. bread? — Yes, certainly.
Do you have ………………… previous experience about this kind of job?
She has to do ………………………….……………………….. housework.
10) Can I give you ……………………………………………………..advice?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1 You can call us any day you want

2 Would you like some orange juice? — Yes, please.

3 He doesn’t have any experience of this kind of work

4 Peter and Alison haven’t got any children

5 There is still any chocolate left. Would you like another piece?

6 Please phone me if uou have some problems

7 Could you give me some bread? — Yes, certainly

8 Do you have any previous experience about this kind of?

9 She has to do some housework

10 Can I give you any advice?


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