СРОЧНО!!! ОТВЕТЬТЕ НА ВОПРОСЫ! на англ. языке. Writing about famous people is easier than writing about ordinary good people. There are a lot of them around us who deserve a special story. Write your own «good story» about anyone you know well. Use some of the following guidelines: This is a story of a… He / she was born in… At the age of… he / she became more and more interested in… Later in… she / he met… Next year… In… she / he started to work for… Most of her / his friends say that… It is not surprising that… Finally…

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

СРОЧНО!!! ОТВЕТЬТЕ НА ВОПРОСЫ! на англ. языке.
Writing about famous people is easier than writing about ordinary good people. There are a lot of them around us who deserve a special story. Write your own «good story» about anyone you know well. Use some of the following guidelines:
This is a story of a…
He / she was born in…
At the age of… he / she became more and more interested in…
Later in… she / he met…
Next year…
In… she / he started to work for…
Most of her / his friends say that…
It is not surprising that…

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

I’d like to tell you about one of my relatives. To be exact this is a story of my uncle Vladimir, my mother’s brother.

He was born in an ordinary family.

At the age of 12, he became more and more interested in planes.

Later in summer, he met a friend who told him about the aero club he attended.

Next year Vladimir joined that club as he really became keen on aviation.

Most of his friends said that it was his favourite subject to talk about.

It is not surprising that he decided to enter the Higher Aviation Technical School and he graduated from it with a Red Diploma.

Finally, he became a very good pilot.

Я хочу рассказать вам об одном из моих родственников. Точнее это история моего дяди Владимира, брата моей матери.

Он родился в обычной семье.

В 12 лет он все больше интересовался самолетами.

Позже летом он встретил друга, который рассказал ему об аэроклубе, который он посещал.

В следующем году Владимир вступил в этот клуб, потому что он очень увлекся авиацией.

Большинство его друзей говорили, что это была его любимая тема для разговора.

Неудивительно, что он решил поступить в высшее авиационно-техническое училище и окончил его с красным дипломом.

Сейчас он стал очень хорошим пилотом.

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