Составить косвенную речь по вопросам:
1) Nick: «Do you always get up early?»
2) Ken: «When did you return last Friday?»
3) Charles: «What flowers did she grow in her garden?»
4) Ivan: «Is Stevestill taking driving lessons?»
5) Victor: «Have you been to the cinema yet?»
6) Albert: «Did you recognize the famous actor in the film?»

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык


Составить косвенную речь по вопросам:
1) Nick: «Do you always get up early?»
2) Ken: «When did you return last Friday?»
3) Charles: «What flowers did she grow in her garden?»
4) Ivan: «Is Stevestill taking driving lessons?»
5) Victor: «Have you been to the cinema yet?»
6) Albert: «Did you recognize the famous actor in the film?»

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

nick asked if you get up early

ken asked when you returned last friday

charles asked what flowers she grew in her garden

ivan asked if Stevestill was taking driving lessons

victor asked had you been to the cinema yet

albert asked if you had recognized the famous actor in  the film

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