Спишіть, вибираючи правильну часову форму.

1. Atomic energy (will have been supplying / supplied) power for lighting cities for many future years to come.

2. During many years Ukrainian scientists and engineers (have been making / made) big advances in science and technique.

3. This student (has been studying / studies) at our University since 2006.

4. The best architects of Sumy (had been discussing / have discussed) the plans for the new multi-storey buildings and shops several times before their construction.

5. Petro Orel who (had been taking / took) part in these constructions entered our University four years ago.

6. Since December 1990 our country (has been changing / changed) its appearance greatly.

7. By the first of September this year the second year students (will have been studying / will study) here for two years.

8. My friends (will have been learning / will learn) English for two years more before they pass their state examination.

9. The Ukrainians (have been raising / have raised) standards of their life all these years.

10. We have heard the agronomists (have been working / had worked) on the development of new sorts of winter wheat since the end of the twentieth century.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Спишіть, вибираючи правильну часову форму.

1. Atomic energy (will have been supplying / supplied) power for lighting cities for many future years to come.

2. During many years Ukrainian scientists and engineers (have been making / made) big advances in science and technique.

3. This student (has been studying / studies) at our University since 2006.

4. The best architects of Sumy (had been discussing / have discussed) the plans for the new multi-storey buildings and shops several times before their construction.

5. Petro Orel who (had been taking / took) part in these constructions entered our University four years ago.

6. Since December 1990 our country (has been changing / changed) its appearance greatly.

7. By the first of September this year the second year students (will have been studying / will study) here for two years.

8. My friends (will have been learning / will learn) English for two years more before they pass their state examination.

9. The Ukrainians (have been raising / have raised) standards of their life all these years.

10. We have heard the agronomists (have been working / had worked) on the development of new sorts of winter wheat since the end of the twentieth century.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 — первый вариант (перед «/»), 2 — второй (после «/»)

1. 1

2. 1

3. 1

4. 1

5. 2

6. 2

7. 1

8. 1

9. 1

10. 1

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