сочинение на тему «my best day» на 100 слов с использованием past simple, past continuous, present perfect, past perfect.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

сочинение на тему «my best day» на 100 слов с использованием past simple, past continuous, present perfect, past perfect.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


Each person had days when he was happy, and when he was sad. And also, there was a day after the incident of which, for a long time it was impossible to forget him. And I have a day that I remember the most, as the brightest and happiest day in my lifeThen I laughed for real, rejoiced and was even afraid that the same day in my life could not be.But I understand that this is not the last time I can return those feelings againLife is a long thing, there will be many things. You just need to watch out for the moment.!I will live! (111 слов)

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