Сочинение на тему город моей мечты на английском 10 предложений

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Сочинение на тему город моей мечты на английском 10 предложений

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

My dream town is not very big. There is a little population too. Though it is very clear and silent. Everyone knows each other so there is no crime there. My dream town is also very ecological, there are no factories at all. There is a big forest, a park and lots of plants all over the town. There is a cozy library with a kind librarian. There would also be a bakery that sells lots of tasty deserts like cinnamon rolls. Also there would be a big river with lots of fish in it so I could go fishing every day. I would really love to live in a town like that.

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