составьте сочинение (7 предложений) о моем любимый вид спорта

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

составьте сочинение (7 предложений) о моем любимый вид спорта

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

My favourite kind of sport is the football. I prefer it because that is very interesting and active game. In that game the human must have exellent stategic thinking and be hardy as well as really footballers. And the player should be able to handle the football. It is the collective game. There are as the defenders and forwards and goalkeepers. In that game there are many rules, but the most basic rule of thumb is to hold the ball in the opposing team`s zone and get the ball into their goal. So I love that amazing game!

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