Составьте предложения, распределив слова в нужном порядке. 1. ill, I, fall, often, grippe, with. 2. Prescription, he, down, writes, a . 3. Chemist’s shop, son, as a rule, my, nearest, to, goes, the. 4. Powders, usually, kept, the, are, in, drug, cabinets. 5. Strong, effective, drugs, are, chemist’s shop, marked, at, the, letter, “B”, with, the

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Составьте предложения, распределив слова в нужном
1. ill, I, fall, often, grippe, with.
2. Prescription, he, down, writes, a .
3. Chemist’s shop, son, as a rule, my, nearest, to, goes, the.
4. Powders, usually, kept, the, are, in, drug, cabinets.
5. Strong, effective, drugs, are, chemist’s shop, marked, at, the,
letter, “B”, with, the

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1)I often fall ill with grippe

2)He writes down a prescription

3)My son goes to the nearest chemist’s shop as a rule

4)Powders are usually kept in the drug cabinets

5)Strong effective drugs are marked with the letter “B” at the chemist’s shop

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