Сделайте сообщение на тему Our city is our home,so let’s keep it clean ,100 слов минимум

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Сделайте сообщение на тему Our city is our home,so let’s keep it clean ,100 слов минимум

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Writing «Clean city»

What to do to make our city always was clean? To around not littered cigarette butts, candy wrappers, plastic packaging? And to the people not breathing in smoke and dust?

I think that cleanliness in the city and so much is done. For example, the streets are covered with asphalt to avoid mud. Every morning to work out the janitors, sweeping the streets, yards and alleys vapors. Then the trucks in the dirt from each container. Imagine what would happen if this do not? The city is drowned in fallen leaves, bottles, wrappers, broken things, kitchen peelings and other waste!

Another thing is that the wipers try, and other citizens add to their work, throw garbage anywhere, past the urns. But if everyone stops to throw on the pavement cigarette butts, throw on the lawns of empty packaging, to «hide» in the bushes of the bottle, the city will be clean. Like magic! But so should every resident of the city. Do not put the blame on each other, or say, «why me! Let the neighbor cares about the cleanliness!». Need to do my personal rule of observance of cleanliness not only at home but also in the city.

I think if every citizen would think about the environment, there will be no city garbage. And the streets will be clean. As well as be able to solve other environmental problems of the city. For example, a smoke from factory chimneys and car exhausts, polluting the air in the city. Or waste water from factories, which poison the city’s rivers so that they are not permitted to citizens. The main thing — not to be indifferent and do what you can.

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