Решите пж, задали на 1 час, не могу справиться( 1. It’s not polite to ….. at people. A-stare B-watch C-see 2. Sam …. the Net every evening. A-surfs B-listens C-sends 3. I often …… text messages to my friends. A-watch B-send C-get 4. Emma ….. Biology at school. A-study B-don’t study C-studies 5. ….. walk to school every day? A-You do B-Do you C-Are you 6. ….. a carpet on the floor? A-There are B-There is C-Is there 7. We usually go to the cinema ….. Saturdays. A-on B-in C-at 8. Mary ….. cooks; she doesn’t like it! A-never B-often C-sometimes 9. Is this the ….. car? A-woman B-women C-woman’s 10. I like to watch TV …… the evenings. A-on B-in C-at 11. There aren’t ……. pillows on the bed. A-some B-any C-no 12. Planes are ….. than trains. A-fastest B-more faster C-faster 13. There is ….. sugar in my coffee. A-few B-many C-little 14. My friends enjoy ….. in summer. A-to travel B-travelling C-travelled 15. Tom speaks French really …….. . A-best B-good C-well 16. Mary will be happy if she ….. to France next year. A-goes B-will go C- would go 17. The phone rang when my mother ….. . A-was cooking B- cooked C-had cooked 18. This is the museum …… his father works. A-whose B-where C-when 19. My brother plays ….. guitar every day. A-a B-some C-the 20. If I were you, I ….. more time outdoors. A-had spent B-would spend C-will spend

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Решите пж, задали на 1 час, не могу справиться(

1. It’s not polite to ….. at people.
A-stare B-watch C-see
2. Sam …. the Net every evening.
A-surfs B-listens C-sends
3. I often …… text messages to my friends.
A-watch B-send C-get
4. Emma ….. Biology at school.
A-study B-don’t study C-studies
5. ….. walk to school every day?
A-You do B-Do you C-Are you
6. ….. a carpet on the floor?
A-There are B-There is C-Is there
7. We usually go to the cinema ….. Saturdays.
A-on B-in C-at
8. Mary ….. cooks; she doesn’t like it!
A-never B-often C-sometimes
9. Is this the ….. car?
A-woman B-women C-woman’s
10. I like to watch TV …… the evenings.
A-on B-in C-at
11. There aren’t ……. pillows on the bed.
A-some B-any C-no
12. Planes are ….. than trains.
A-fastest B-more faster C-faster
13. There is ….. sugar in my coffee.
A-few B-many C-little
14. My friends enjoy ….. in summer.
A-to travel B-travelling C-travelled
15. Tom speaks French really …….. .
A-best B-good C-well
16. Mary will be happy if she ….. to France next year.
A-goes B-will go C- would go
17. The phone rang when my mother ….. .
A-was cooking B- cooked C-had cooked
18. This is the museum …… his father works.
A-whose B-where C-when
19. My brother plays ….. guitar every day.
A-a B-some C-the
20. If I were you, I ….. more time outdoors.
A-had spent B-would spend C-will spend

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