Решите английский пожалуйста!

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Решите английский пожалуйста!

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. Sally said that, she went to the rock concert yesterday.

2.They said that that, they were coming to see us tonight.

3. Mother said that, she would buy me a new guitar.

4. Jane told that, she has solved the crime once.

5. The officer told the assistants that, there were many store detectives in the shop.

6. My mother said that, the water in the river had been cold last week.

7. My grandpa said that, he could not hear the TV.

8.The man said that, their team has won the tournament last year.

9.Aima said to Helen that, she could not bear this awful music.

10. The director told the engineer, that they had made the research by themselves.

Nadeyus otveti pravelni.)


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