Расставить say,tell или ask в правильной форме. 1. He walked out of the room without saying a word to anyone. 2. The guide ….. us that the volcano hadn’t erupted for centuries. 3. The news report didn’t ….. anything about people being trapped by the avalanche. 4. The tourist ……. a local for directions to the museum. 5. This book …… the story of the hurricane survivors. 6. I’m tired of …… John the same thing over and over again. 7. Can you please stop ….. me the time every five minutes? 8. l asked Bob what time the last train left but he couldn’t …….for sure.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Расставить say,tell или ask в правильной форме.

1. He walked out of the room without saying a word to anyone.
2. The guide ….. us that the volcano hadn’t erupted for centuries.
3. The news report didn’t ….. anything about people being trapped by the avalanche.
4. The tourist ……. a local for directions to the museum.
5. This book …… the story of the hurricane survivors.
6. I’m tired of …… John the same thing over and over again.
7. Can you please stop ….. me the time every five minutes?
8. l asked Bob what time the last train left but he couldn’t …….for sure.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


2.telling us







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