Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. (1) ‘I’m not sure it’s a good idea to play on your phone right now,’ his mother said, entering the room. (2) She (GO) ________ up to the window. (3) ‘You have a maths test tomorrow, don’t you?’ (4) ‘Yes, I do. (5) But I (REVISE) ________ everything, and it’s not going to be too difficult for me.’ (6) Harry was not afraid of the test. (7) He was the (GOOD) ________ student in his class and his grades had always been very high. (8) However, he thought that his mother (BE) ________ right. (9) He needed a good night’s sleep to be able to focus on the tasks tomorrow. 10) ‘OK, Mum, don’t worry. (11) I’ll go to bed soon.’ (12) ‘Will you join (WE) ________ for tea?’ his mother asked. (13) Harry nodded positively. (14) On Sundays, tea (SERVE) ________ on the coffee table in the living room – it was their family tradition. (15) His mother always used her favourite cups and the special set of spoons, (KNIFE) ________ and forks. (16) When Harry and his mother went in, his father (SIT) ________ on the sofa with a remote control in his hand but the TV was off. (17) ‘It (NOT/WORK) ________,’ his father said. (18) ‘It looks like the batteries have died.’

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. (1) ‘I’m not sure it’s a good idea to play on your phone right now,’ his mother said, entering the room. (2) She (GO) ________ up to the window. (3) ‘You have a maths test tomorrow, don’t you?’ (4) ‘Yes, I do. (5) But I (REVISE) ________ everything, and it’s not going to be too difficult for me.’ (6) Harry was not afraid of the test. (7) He was the (GOOD) ________ student in his class and his grades had always been very high. (8) However, he thought that his mother (BE) ________ right. (9) He needed a good night’s sleep to be able to focus on the tasks tomorrow. 10) ‘OK, Mum, don’t worry. (11) I’ll go to bed soon.’ (12) ‘Will you join (WE) ________ for tea?’ his mother asked. (13) Harry nodded positively. (14) On Sundays, tea (SERVE) ________ on the coffee table in the living room – it was their family tradition. (15) His mother always used her favourite cups and the special set of spoons, (KNIFE) ________ and forks. (16) When Harry and his mother went in, his father (SIT) ________ on the sofa with a remote control in his hand but the TV was off. (17) ‘It (NOT/WORK) ________,’ his father said. (18) ‘It looks like the batteries have died.’

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык



5)have revised


8) was


14)was served


16)was sitting

17)doesn’t work

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