Преобразовать слово, чтобы оно подходило лексически и грамматически

passed или ??
Unfortunately, when we __PASS________ Westminster Abbey, it started to rain hard.

“And what will we do if it _____RAIN_____?” my brother asked quietly.

When Vicki arrived, Mary ____________DESIGN______ a menu for the party.

When we went up to the enclosure that had a family of Indian elephants, they _______HAVE___________ their lunch. They were focused on their food and didn’t pay much attention to the visitors. 

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Преобразовать слово, чтобы оно подходило лексически и грамматически

passed или ??
Unfortunately, when we __PASS________ Westminster Abbey, it started to rain hard.

“And what will we do if it _____RAIN_____?” my brother asked quietly.

When Vicki arrived, Mary ____________DESIGN______ a menu for the party.

When we went up to the enclosure that had a family of Indian elephants, they _______HAVE___________ their lunch. They were focused on their food and didn’t pay much attention to the visitors. 

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Had passed, will rain, was designed, had