поставить в настоящем времени, в пассивном залоге
1. eggs/beat up 2. sugar and eggs/mix 3. sugar and eggs/beat up 4. flour/add 5. pastry/mix 6. apples/add 7. pie/cook/in the oven 8. pie/take/out of the oven

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

поставить в настоящем времени, в пассивном залоге
1. eggs/beat up 2. sugar and eggs/mix 3. sugar and eggs/beat up 4. flour/add 5. pastry/mix 6. apples/add 7. pie/cook/in the oven 8. pie/take/out of the oven

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Eggs are beaten up

Sugar and eggs are mixed

Sugar and eggs are beaten up

Flour is added

Pastry is mixed

Apples are added

Pie is cooked in the oven

Pie is taken out of the oven

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