Помогите) Complete sentences with food/dish/meal 1. I drink coffee after a _____. 2. We need more _____on the hike. 3. Your need to wash your hands before a _____. 4. Taste this _____. It’s delicious. 5. This _____was cooked on the special recipe. 6. I asked for the bill after the _____. 7. I bought him some _____. 8. She buys only healthy _____. 9. She poured the soup into the _____. 10. people usually have three_____ a day.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык


Complete sentences with food/dish/meal

1. I drink coffee after a _____.
2. We need more _____on the hike.
3. Your need to wash your hands before a _____.
4. Taste this _____. It’s delicious.
5. This _____was cooked on the special recipe.
6. I asked for the bill after the _____.
7. I bought him some _____.
8. She buys only healthy _____.
9. She poured the soup into the _____.
10. people usually have three_____ a day.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. Meal

2. Food

3. Meal

4. Dish

5. Dish

6. Meal

7. Food

8. Food

9. Dish

10. Meals

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