помогите с английским : Exercise 1.5 Choose the correct item. 1. There are some/any books on my desk. 2. I need some/any more time. 3. There is hardly some/any milk in the fridge. 4. Would you like any/some soup? 5. Where can I sit down? – You can take some/any seat you like. 6. We need some/any eggs, but we don’t need some/any sugar. 7. Could you pass me any/some cake, please? 8. She has any/some tea and cake, but she doesn’t have some/any sandwiches during the break. 9. I’d like any/some bread, please. 10. There are some/any pictures on the wall. 11. Can I have any/some mineral water, please? 12. There are some/any forks and spoons, but there aren’t no/any knives here. 13. Would you like to look at any/some pictures of our family?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

помогите с английским : Exercise 1.5

Choose the correct item.

1. There are some/any books on my desk.

2. I need some/any more time.

3. There is hardly some/any milk in the fridge.

4. Would you like any/some soup?

5. Where can I sit down? – You can take some/any seat you like.

6. We need some/any eggs, but we don’t need some/any sugar.

7. Could you pass me any/some cake, please?

8. She has any/some tea and cake, but she doesn’t have some/any sandwiches during the break.

9. I’d like any/some bread, please.

10. There are some/any pictures on the wall.

11. Can I have any/some mineral water, please?

12. There are some/any forks and spoons, but there aren’t no/any knives here.

13. Would you like to look at any/some pictures of our family?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. Some





6.some, any


8.some, any




12.some, any



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