Помогите сочинить текст на английском языке про английского художника(любого)

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Помогите сочинить текст на английском языке про английского художника(любого)

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Art is one of the best ways to express what we see around us. People have always tried to express themselves in different ways: through writing novels, poems and songs, through creating hand-made items and paintings. . Most of those works were water-colours and oil paintings. Turner was a real traveler. He visited France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, but he never lost interest in his own country. Valentin Serov also painted some famous people, including Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Isaac Levitan, Sawa Mamontov. His most famous works “The Girl with Peaches” and “The Girl in the Sunlight” can be seen in the Tretyakov Gallery….

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