Помогите ПРОШУ………………СРОЧНО НАДО……………………………………. Задайте к данным предложениям вопросы различных типов. 1) Next week he will spend much time at the laboratory. 2) We were going home when we met Andy in the street. 3) Nick comes here at 9 o’clock. 4) Professor Novikov is speaking to a group of students now.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите ПРОШУ………………СРОЧНО НАДО…………………………………….
Задайте к данным предложениям вопросы различных типов.
1) Next week he will spend much time at the laboratory. 2) We were going
home when we met Andy in the street. 3) Nick comes here at 9 o’clock. 4)
Professor Novikov is speaking to a group of students now.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1) Next week he will spend much time at the laboratory.

Will he spend much time at the laboratory?

Who will spend much time at the laboratory?

Where will he spend much time?

Next week he will spend much time at the laboratory,won’t he?

Will he spend much time at the laboratory next week or next month?

2) We were going

home when we met Andy in the street.

Were we going home when we met Andy in the street?

Who was going home when we met Andy in the street?

Where were we going when we met Andy in the street?

Were we going home or to the cinema when we met Andy in the street?

We were going home when we met Andy in the street,weren’t we?

3) Nick comes here at 9 o’clock.

Does Nick come here at 9 o’clock?

Who comes here at 9?

When does Nick come here?

Does Nick come here at 8 or 9 o’clock ?

Nick comes here at 9 o’clock ,doesn’t he?

4)Professor Novikov is speaking to a group of students now.

Professor Novikov is speaking to a group of students now,isn’t he?

Is professor Novikov speaking to a group of students now?

Who is speaking to a group of students now?

What is professor Novikov doing now?

Is professor Novikov speaking to a group of students or to a teacher now?

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