Помогите пожалуйста!!going to и will!!! можно просто ответы!! Заранее спасибо!!! Complete the sentences using will (´ll) or be going to. 1. Why are you turning on the television? — I ______________________ a film. (I / watch) 2. Oh, I’ve just realised. I haven’t got any money. — Haven’t you? Well, don’t worry. ________________ you some. (I / lend) 3. I’ve got a headache. — Have you? Wait a second. ___________________ an aspirin for you. (I / get) 4. Why are you filling those buckets with water? — _________________________ the car. (I / wash). 5. I’ve decided to repaint this bench. — Oh, have you? What colour ______________________________ _________________________ it? (you / paint) 6. Where are you going? Are you going shopping? — Yes, ___________________________ something for lunch. (I / buy) 7. I don’t know how to use this camera. — It’s not difficult. ______________________ you. (I / show) 8. Have you send the agreement? — Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot. _____________________ it now. (I / do) 9. The picture in this room doesn’t look very safe, does it? — No, it looks as if ______________________ down. (it / fall)

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите пожалуйста!!going to и will!!! можно просто ответы!! Заранее спасибо!!!
Complete the sentences using will (´ll) or be going to.
1. Why are you turning on the television? — I ______________________ a film. (I / watch)
2. Oh, I’ve just realised. I haven’t got any money. — Haven’t you? Well, don’t worry. ________________ you some. (I / lend)
3. I’ve got a headache. — Have you? Wait a second. ___________________ an aspirin for you. (I / get)
4. Why are you filling those buckets with water? — _________________________ the car. (I / wash).
5. I’ve decided to repaint this bench. — Oh, have you? What colour ______________________________ _________________________ it? (you / paint)
6. Where are you going? Are you going shopping? — Yes, ___________________________ something
for lunch. (I / buy)
7. I don’t know how to use this camera. — It’s not difficult. ______________________ you. (I / show)
8. Have you send the agreement? — Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot. _____________________ it now. (I / do)
9. The picture in this room doesn’t look very safe, does it? — No, it looks as if ______________________
down. (it / fall)

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. I`m going to watch a film

2. I`ll lend you some

3. I`ll get an aspirin for you

4. I`m going to wash the car

5. What colour are you going to paint it?

6. Yes, I`m going to buy something for lunch

7. I`ll show you

8. I`ll do it now

9. No, it looks as if it going to fall down


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