Помогите пожалуйста!!Arrange the following words into sentences according to the rules of word order. 1.to / standing / was / close / He / the / door / silently. 2.crowded / The / are / weekend / on / highways / the / usually. 3.always / see / people / in / the / many/ office / They. 4.has / That / been / before / said / never. 5.to / have /never / been / I / New York.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите пожалуйста!!Arrange the following words into sentences according to the rules of word order.
1.to / standing / was / close / He / the / door / silently.
2.crowded / The / are / weekend / on / highways / the / usually.
3.always / see / people / in / the / many/ office / They.
4.has / That / been / before / said / never.
5.to / have /never / been / I / New York.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

  1. He was standing silently close to the door.
  2. The highways are usually crowded on the weekend.
  3. They always see many people in the office.
  4. That has never been said before.
  5. I have never been to New York.

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