Помогите пожалуйста!!!! 1.Political Information Chart Britain is a parliamentary democracy with a Constitutional monarch, Queen Elizabeth II as head of the State. She was crowned in 1953.The Queen has now reigned longer than any other monarch in modern Britain. The country is governed in the Queen’s name by the Government. Also she performs certain important acts of government on the advice of her ministers. Elizabeth II is also head of Commonwealth and is head of state in 14 of its 41 member countries, including Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The British Parliament consists of the House of Lords which is made up of hereditary and life peers and peeresses and the House of Commons, which plays the major part in law making 1635 elected members of parliament. The Government is formed by the political power which can command majority support in the House of Commons. Its leader is the Prime Minister who chooses a number of ministers, of whom 20 or so are in the Cabinet which is collectively responsible for all Government decisions. Listen to the text and correct the mistakes in the sentences given. 1. British industry is a stock subject for conversation. 2. The English do not like to talk about the weather. 3. The weather forecasts are always correct in Britain. 4. Rainfalls often interrupt traffic. 5. The climate in Britain is warmed by the English Channel. 6. The driest months in Britain are from September to January. 7. It is usually wet from March to June. 8. The longest duration of sunshine in spring and in June is in Northern Ireland. 9. The English climate is without any changes. 10. You can do without umbrella in Britain.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите пожалуйста!!!!
1.Political Information Chart Britain is a parliamentary democracy with a Constitutional monarch, Queen Elizabeth II as head of the State. She was crowned in 1953.The Queen has now reigned longer than any other monarch in modern Britain. The country is governed in the Queen’s name by the Government. Also she performs certain important acts of government on the advice of her ministers. Elizabeth II is also head of Commonwealth and is head of state in 14 of its 41 member countries, including Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The British Parliament consists of the House of Lords which is made up of hereditary and life peers and peeresses and the House of Commons, which plays the major part in law making 1635 elected members of parliament. The Government is formed by the political power which can command majority support in the House of Commons. Its leader is the Prime Minister who
chooses a number of ministers, of whom 20 or so are in the Cabinet which is collectively responsible for all Government decisions.

Listen to the text and correct the mistakes in the sentences given.
1. British industry is a stock subject for conversation.
2. The English do not like to talk about the weather.
3. The weather forecasts are always correct in Britain.
4. Rainfalls often interrupt traffic.
5. The climate in Britain is warmed by the English Channel.
6. The driest months in Britain are from September to January.
7. It is usually wet from March to June.
8. The longest duration of sunshine in spring and in June is in Northern
9. The English climate is without any changes.
10. You can do without umbrella in Britain.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1.Политические карты Великобритания является парламентской демократией с Конституционным монархом, королева Елизавета II как глава государства. Она была коронована в 1953 году.Королева теперь царил дольше, чем любой другой монарх в современной Великобритании. Страна управляется от имени королевы Правительством. Также она выполняет некоторые важные акты Правительства по совету ее министров. Елизавета II также является главой Содружества и главы государства в 14 из 41 стран-членов, включая Австралию, Новую Зеландию и Канаду. Британский парламент состоит из палаты лордов состоит из наследственных и пожизненных пэров и peeresses и палаты общин, который играет важную роль в законотворческой 1635 избранных членов парламента. Правительство образуется политическая власть, который получил поддержку большинства в палате общин. Ее лидером является премьер-министр, которыйвыбирает ряд министров, из которых около 20 находятся в Кабинете Министров, который несет коллективную ответственность за все решения Правительства.

Прослушать текст и исправить ошибки в указанных предложениях.1. Британская промышленность штока предмет для разговора.2. Англичане не любят говорить о погоде.3. Прогнозы погоды не всегда верны в Великобритании.4. Дожди часто прерывать движения.5. Климат в Британии будет согрет Ла-Манш.6. Самые сухие месяцы в Великобритании с сентября по январь.7. Это, как правило, влажный с марта по июнь.8. Самая длинная Продолжительность солнечного сияния весной и в июне на севереИрландия.9. Английском климате без каких-либо изменений.10. Вы можете обойтись без зонтика в Великобритании.

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