помогите пожалуйста!!!
1.Are you looking for something? -Yes, I am looking for my hat. I … it somewhere but I don’t know the exact place.
a. has left
b. leave
c. have left
d. am leaving
2.The day will be great if you start it with training. That’s why I … every morning.
a. jog
b. am jogging
c. have jogged
d. jogged
3.EU Government is worried as the unemployment level …
a. is increasing
b. have increased
c. increase
d. have been increasing
4. The Simpsons have three bathrooms. But they … only two of them.
a. eses
b. are using
c. use
d. used
5. The world … rapidly. Every day brings something new.
a. has changed
b. changed
c. is changing
d. change
6. The other day we … her at the shop. She was busy putting on a red scarf.
a. we’re meeting
b. met
c. meet
d. had met
7. He … some new shoes last month.
a. bought
b. buying
c. buy
d. buys
8.When John made his mind to sign up for English course, Tom … already … it.
a. had/done
b. have /done
c. did/do
d. has/done
9. We … to a party next Saturday.
a. go
b. goes
c. are going
d. went
10. … to go out tonight?
a. Do you want
b. Are you wanting
c. Is you want
d. Would you want

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1) c

2) a

3) a

4) b

5) c

6) b

7) a

8) a

9) c

10) a

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