Помогите пожалуйста, я в модальных глаголах нифигашеньки не знаю :[ 1. You ______knock at the door. I have got the key. 2. You______see the film. It is really interesting. 3. ______I ask you a question? — Please, do. 4. When I was five, I ______read and write. 5.The buses were all full. I______go on foot. 6. Students ______use dictionaries while doing the test. It’s forbidden. 7. I have lost the keys. I______enter my flat. 8. You______put on a coat. It is going to be warm. 9. When her parents were away, she______cook all her meals herself. 10. ______I come in? — I’m afraid not. Слова которые нужно вставить: needn’t can’t May had to could must mustn’t

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите пожалуйста, я в модальных глаголах нифигашеньки не знаю :[
1. You ______knock at the door. I have got the key.
2. You______see the film. It is really interesting.
3. ______I ask you a question? — Please, do.
4. When I was five, I ______read and write.
5.The buses were all full. I______go on foot.
6. Students ______use dictionaries while doing the test. It’s forbidden.
7. I have lost the keys. I______enter my flat.
8. You______put on a coat. It is going to be warm.
9. When her parents were away, she______cook all her meals herself.
10. ______I come in? — I’m afraid not.
Слова которые нужно вставить:
had to

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. needn’t

2. must

3. may

4. could

5. had to

6. mustn’t

7. can’t

8. needn’t

9. had to

10. may

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