Помогите пожалуйста)) Надо переделать из прямой речи в косвенную . Очень,Очень нужно♥♥♥))))

1.Samuel cried to her: «Don’t open the door!»

2.Elizabeth said: «We watched a very interesting movie yesterday.»

3.Catherine said to her mother: «May I go for a walk?»

4.Marry said to her children: «Go to your rooms and do your homework.»

5.He asked her patiently: «Where have you been?»

6.Sue asked Sally: «Are you going to be a lawyer or a doctor?»

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите пожалуйста)) Надо переделать из прямой речи в косвенную . Очень,Очень нужно♥♥♥))))

1.Samuel cried to her: «Don’t open the door!»

2.Elizabeth said: «We watched a very interesting movie yesterday.»

3.Catherine said to her mother: «May I go for a walk?»

4.Marry said to her children: «Go to your rooms and do your homework.»

5.He asked her patiently: «Where have you been?»

6.Sue asked Sally: «Are you going to be a lawyer or a doctor?»

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1.Samuel cried to her not to open the door.

2.Elizabeth said they had watched a very interesting movie the day before.

3.Catherine asked her mother if she might go for a walk.

4.Marry told her children to go to their rooms and do their homework.

5.He asked her patiently where she had been.

6.Sue asked Sally if she was going to be a lawyer or a doctor.

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