Помогите, пожалуйста вот задание:Complete the questions with the supertative/ Then answer the questions.
А вот вопросы:
1)Who is the…student in your class(tall)
2)Who is the…student in your class(hard-working)
3)Who is the…at sport in your class(good)
4)Who is the…student in your class(friendly)
5)Who is the…student in your class(talkative)
6)Who has got the…hair in your class(long)

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1)Who is the…student in your class(tallest)
2)Who is the…student in your class(hardest-working)
3)Who is the…at sport in your class(best)
4)Who is the…student in your class(friendliest/ the most friendly) оба применимы
5)Who is the…student in your class(the most talkative)
6)Who has got the…hair in your class(longest)

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