помогите пж
Put the direct speech into reported speech.
1) «I’m tired,» said Tom.
Tom said (that) he «was tired»
2) ‘I’m going home, he said.
He said he»………….»home.
3) I’ve worked hard, said Maria. Maria said she»………» hard.
4) I’ll do my homework later, John told Aina.
John told Aina he»………» later.
5) «You can phone me, Laura, l said.
I told Laura she»………..»me.
6) I’ve never had so much luck, said Ellen.
Ellen said she»………»so much luck.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

помогите пж
Put the direct speech into reported speech.
1) «I’m tired,» said Tom.
Tom said (that) he «was tired»
2) ‘I’m going home, he said.
He said he»………….»home.
3) I’ve worked hard, said Maria. Maria said she»………» hard.
4) I’ll do my homework later, John told Aina.
John told Aina he»………» later.
5) «You can phone me, Laura, l said.
I told Laura she»………..»me.
6) I’ve never had so much luck, said Ellen.
Ellen said she»………»so much luck.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

2.was going

3.had worked 

4.would do his homework

5.could phone

6.had never had 

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