Задание на русском: Выберите другое условие или завершите предложения. Используйте в качестве примера:
Take another pen. Let`s read other stories.
Задание на английском: Choose other or another and complete the sentences. Use the example.
1. Are there ……. stories about animals in this book?
2. Give your little brother …….. toy car.
3. Do you want to buy …… bag?
4. What …… films about nature have you seen?
5. Do you want to visit ……. museums?
6. May I have ……. glass if juice?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. Are there
other stories about animals in this book?
2. Give your little brother

another toy car.
3. Do you want to buy

another bag?
4. What

other films about nature have you seen?
5. Do you want to visit

other museums?
6. May I have

another glass if juice?

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