ПОМОГИТЕ!!!! даю 50 баллов НО ТОЛЬКО ДО 18.04.17 ( Задание:Put the words from the box into the gaps. a)-Have you _______been to the USA? -No, I have ________been to the USA. b)-Have you finihed your homerk? -Ni, I haven`t finihed my homework _________. Omar has ________arrived in Almaty. ______________________________________

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

ПОМОГИТЕ!!!! даю 50 баллов НО ТОЛЬКО ДО 18.04.17 ( Задание:Put the words from the box into the gaps. a)-Have you _______been to the USA? -No, I have ________been to the USA. b)-Have you finihed your homerk? -Ni, I haven`t finihed my homework _________. Omar has ________arrived in Almaty. ______________________________________

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

a) — Have you  ever been to the USA? — No, I have never been to the USA.
b) — Have you finished your homework? — No, I haven`t finished my homework yet.
c) — Omar has already arrived in Almaty.

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