Помогите выполнить задание..Дам 11 баллов!!!Write the story again making it more colourful…».Once upon a time there was a boy who had no father or mother.He was very poor and wore old clothes. His was only beans. Finally there was only one bean in the house. «What shall i do?» tought the boy. «What if i put it in the ground?» He did it and went to bed hungry. But the next morning he saw a plant behind his window with lots of beans growing on it. His last was magic.»

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите выполнить задание..Дам 11 баллов!!!Write the story again making it more colourful…».Once upon a time there was a boy who had no father or mother.He was very poor and wore old clothes. His was only beans. Finally there was only one bean in the house. «What shall i do?» tought the boy. «What if i put it in the ground?» He did it and went to bed hungry. But the next morning he saw a plant behind his window with lots of beans growing on it. His last was magic.»

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Написать рассказ еще ,что делает его более красочным..

Однажды там был мальчик,кот не имел ни отца ни матери.Он был бедный и носил старую одежду.У него были только бобы.Наконец остался только один Боб в доме.Что буду я делать? Думал мальчик.Что делать если я положу его в землю?он сделал это и лег спать голодным.На след.утро он увидел завод за его окном с большим колич.бобов,растущих на нем.Это была его последняя магия.

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