Помогите,пожалуйста.Нужно срочно решить задание по английскому языку.Даю 40 баллов. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму. 1. If I (to be) free yesterday, I would have gone to the concert with you. 2. If I had left earlier, I (not to miss) the train. 3. If she (not to put on) a short dress, she wouldn’t have been so attractive. 4. If I had learned English before, I (to find) a good job long ago. 5. If he (to drive) the car yesterday, everything would have been all right. 6. If I had seen the film, I (to tell) you. 7. If he (not to fall) ill, he would have visited us. 8. If I had had enough money last year, I (to go) abroad. 9. If she (not to be) busy yesterday, she would have helped us. 10. If I had known about your birthday, I (to buy) you a present. 11. If they (to attend) all the classes, they would have passed the exam.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите,пожалуйста.Нужно срочно решить задание по английскому языку.Даю 40 баллов.

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму.

1. If I (to be) free yesterday, I would have gone to the concert with you.

2. If I had left earlier, I (not to miss) the train.

3. If she (not to put on) a short dress, she wouldn’t have been so attractive.

4. If I had learned English before, I (to find) a good job long ago.

5. If he (to drive) the car yesterday, everything would have been all right.

6. If I had seen the film, I (to tell) you.

7. If he (not to fall) ill, he would have visited us.

8. If I had had enough money last year, I (to go) abroad.

9. If she (not to be) busy yesterday, she would have helped us.

10. If I had known about your birthday, I (to buy) you a present.

11. If they (to attend) all the classes, they would have passed the exam.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. had been

2. would not have missed

3. hadn’t put on

4. would have found

5. had driven

6. would have told

7. hadn’t fallen

8. would have gone

9. hadn’t been

10. would have bought

11. had attended

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