Помогите,плиз. Раскройте скобки,употребляя глаголы в Present perfect или Past Indefinite.
1.I never (to hear ) this story from my father. 2.He (to be ) a reader of this magazine for years. 3.She (to be ) I’ll last week. 4. I cannot tell you whether I like this book, as I not (to read ) it. 5. My mother not (to come ) home yet. 6. I (to be )there last year. 7. When you last ( to see) him? 8. I cannot give you this book as I (to give ) it to Ann. When you ( to give ) it to her? 9. The child ( to be) quite all right for the last two weeks. 10. It is cold today. The weather ( to change ) since yesterday. 11. You ever (to visit ) this picture gallery? 12. I ( to lose ) my textbook and cannot remember when I last (to see ) it.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите,плиз. Раскройте скобки,употребляя глаголы в Present perfect или Past Indefinite.
1.I never (to hear ) this story from my father. 2.He (to be ) a reader of this magazine for years. 3.She (to be ) I’ll last week. 4. I cannot tell you whether I like this book, as I not (to read ) it. 5. My mother not (to come ) home yet. 6. I (to be )there last year. 7. When you last ( to see) him? 8. I cannot give you this book as I (to give ) it to Ann. When you ( to give ) it to her? 9. The child ( to be) quite all right for the last two weeks. 10. It is cold today. The weather ( to change ) since yesterday. 11. You ever (to visit ) this picture gallery? 12. I ( to lose ) my textbook and cannot remember when I last (to see ) it.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1) ?










11) visit

12) lose,saw

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