выберите правильный вариант CAN’T или COULDN’T .
1.When my sister was a litte girl,she (can’t/couldn’t) read.
2.You (can/could) see this picture in the Tretyakov Gallery.
3.Yesterday I lost my keys and (can’t/couldn’t) get into my flat.
4.I (can’t/couldn’t) go out because I have a lot of work.
5.He (can’t/couln’t) speak English when he was 10.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

выберите правильный вариант CAN’T или COULDN’T .
1.When my sister was a litte girl,she (can’t/couldn’t) read.
2.You (can/could) see this picture in the Tretyakov Gallery.
3.Yesterday I lost my keys and (can’t/couldn’t) get into my flat.
4.I (can’t/couldn’t) go out because I have a lot of work.
5.He (can’t/couln’t) speak English when he was 10.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. When my sister was a litte girl,she (couldn’t) read.
2. You (can) see this picture in the Tretyakov Gallery.
3. Yesterday I lost my keys and (couldn’t) get into my flat.
4. I (can’t) go out because I have a lot of work.
5. He (couldn’t) speak English when he was 10.

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