пожааааааалуйста )))
make up the questions to the sentences
1. Teens usually reject laws and rules. (what?)
2. Young people were not violent some years ago. (tag-guestion)
3. The majority of teens try to express their individuality. (who?)

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

пожааааааалуйста )))
make up the questions to the sentences
1. Teens usually reject laws and rules. (what?)
2. Young people were not violent some years ago. (tag-guestion)
3. The majority of teens try to express their individuality. (who?)

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. What do teens usually reject ?
2. Young people were not violent some years ago,were they?
3. Who tries to express their individuality?

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