Подчеркните в каждом предложении на английском языке глагол-сказуемое.Sorry I’m late. I got held up in the traffic. 2. The solution of the problem will require concentrated efforts of many research scientists (учѐных исследователей). 3. Many bridges, tunnels and signaling systems are now reaching a dangerous state of fatigue and are considered too expensive to replace. 4. New technologies were being invented and applied to the manufacture of cotton and wool, iron, transportation and agriculture at that time. 5. An extensive programme of cleaning and restoration of historic buildings especially in towns, where centuries of grime (грязь) have been deposited, has been under way for several years. 6. There are several techniques for protecting oneself from radiation, that have been worked out by our specialists. 7. The structures humans build undergo chemical and physical weathering, just as rocks and minerals do.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Подчеркните в каждом предложении на английском языке глагол-сказуемое.

Sorry I’m late. I got held up in the traffic. 2. The solution of the problem will require concentrated efforts of many research scientists (учѐных исследователей). 3. Many bridges, tunnels and signaling systems are now reaching a dangerous state of fatigue and are considered too expensive to replace. 4. New technologies were being invented and applied to the manufacture of cotton and wool, iron, transportation and agriculture at that time. 5. An extensive programme of cleaning and restoration of historic buildings especially in towns, where centuries of grime (грязь) have been deposited, has been under way for several years. 6. There are several techniques for protecting oneself from radiation, that have been worked out by our specialists. 7. The structures humans build undergo chemical and physical weathering, just as rocks and minerals do.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


late,got,will require,reaching,were being invented and applied,have been deposited,have been worked out,


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