Переделать предложения из косвеной в прямую речь
1. He said he had had an accident.
2. Liz said she could borrow me the newspaper as she had finished with it.
3. The boy said he was afraid he had broken my vase.
4. He said that he studied English before he entered the institute.
5. She said that her parents lived in Kiev.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Переделать предложения из косвеной в прямую речь
1. He said he had had an accident.
2. Liz said she could borrow me the newspaper as she had finished with it.
3. The boy said he was afraid he had broken my vase.
4. He said that he studied English before he entered the institute.
5. She said that her parents lived in Kiev.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. He said:»I have had an accident»

2. Liz said :» I can borrow you the newspaper as I have finished with it.»

3. The boy said :»I am afraid I have broken your vase.»

4. He said :» I study (have studied) English before I enter the institute.»

5. She said :»My parents live in Kiev.»

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