переведите текст пожалуйста A JIPSY CHILD One day Mr.Earnshaw came back from a long journey. He had travelled sixty miles to Liverpool and back on business, and was very tired. “Look what I have brought you!” he said. His children, Catherine and Hindley, were expecting presents and they rushed eagerly to see what it was. They were very disappointed to see only a dirty, black-haired gipsy child. “I found him all alone in the busy street of Liverpool”, Mr.Earnshaw explained to them, “and I couldn’t leave him to die. He can sleep in your room, children.” But Catherine and Hindley were very angry because they hadn` t received any presents, and refused to let the strange child share their room. However, Mr.Earnshaw insisted and, and little by little the boy became accepted by the family. He was called Heathcliff, as a first and last name. No one ever discovered who his parents were. Catherine and he became great friends, but Hindley hated him, and was often cruel to him. Old Mr.Earnshaw was strangely fond of that gipsy child, and frequently punished his son for behaving badly to Heathcliff. Hindley began to be jealous to his father’s feelings for Heathcliff, and saw them both as enemies. This situation couldn’t last. As Mr.Earnshaw grew old and ill, Heathcliff became even more his favourite, and Hindley often quarrelled with father. When Hindley was sent away to study, everybody hoped that they would have peace in the house

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

переведите текст пожалуйста
One day Mr.Earnshaw came back from a long journey. He had travelled sixty miles to Liverpool and back on business, and was very tired. “Look what I have brought you!” he said. His children, Catherine and Hindley, were expecting presents and they rushed eagerly to see what it was.
They were very disappointed to see only a dirty, black-haired gipsy child. “I found him all alone in the busy street of Liverpool”, Mr.Earnshaw explained to them, “and I couldn’t leave him to die. He can sleep in your room, children.” But Catherine and Hindley were very angry because they hadn` t received any presents, and refused to let the strange child share their room. However, Mr.Earnshaw insisted and, and little by little the boy became accepted by the family. He was called Heathcliff, as a first and last name. No one ever discovered who his parents were.
Catherine and he became great friends, but Hindley hated him, and was often cruel to him. Old Mr.Earnshaw was strangely fond of that gipsy child, and frequently punished his son for behaving badly to Heathcliff. Hindley began to be jealous to his father’s feelings for Heathcliff, and saw them both as enemies.
This situation couldn’t last. As Mr.Earnshaw grew old and ill, Heathcliff became even more his favourite, and Hindley often quarrelled with father. When Hindley was sent away to study, everybody hoped that they would have peace in the house

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Однажды мистер Эрншоу вернулся из долгого путешествия. Он проехал шестьдесят миль до Ливерпуля и вернулся по делам, и очень устал. «Посмотри, что я принес тебе!» — сказал он. Его дети, Кэтрин и Хиндли, ожидали подарков, и они с нетерпением ждали, чтобы узнать, что это.

Они были очень разочарованы, увидев только грязного черноволосого цыганского ребенка. «Я нашел его одного на оживленной улице в Ливерпуле, — объяснил им мистер Эрншоу, — и я не мог оставить его умирать. Он может спать в вашей комнате, дети. Но Кэтрин и Хиндли очень разозлились, потому что они не получили подарков, и отказались позволить чужому ребенку разделить их комнату. Однако мистер Эрншоу настаивал и, и мало-помалу мальчик принял семью. Его звали Хитклифф, как имя и фамилию. Никто не узнал, кто его родители.

Кэтрин и он стали большими друзьями, но Хиндли ненавидел его и часто был жесток к нему. Старый мистер Эрншо странно любил этого цыганского ребенка и часто наказывал своего сына за то, что он плохо вел себя с Хитклифом. Хиндли начал завидовать чувствам отца к Хитклиффу и видел их обоих врагами.

Эта ситуация не может продолжаться. Когда мистер Эрншоу состарился и заболел, Хитклиф стал еще более любимцем, и Хиндли часто ссорился с отцом. Когда Хиндли отправили учиться, все надеялись, что у них будет мир в доме

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