ОТДАМ САМЫЙ ВЫСОКИЙ БАЛ помогите составить 10 вопросов со словосочетаниями to have good relations to have a sense of humour as a rule to take from nursery shool to be good at house keeping like order united family

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

помогите составить 10 вопросов со словосочетаниями
to have good relations
to have a sense of humour
as a rule
to take from nursery shool
to be good at house keeping
like order
united family

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 Do you have good relations with your parents?

2 Does your friend have a good sense of humour ?

3 Who has taken her daughter from nursery school yet?

4 Is your wife good at house keeping?

5 When do you usually take your sister from nursery school?

6 With whom did you have good relations when you were there ?

7 Is this paperwork done by you as a rule in your office?

8 They have a really united family,don’t they?

9 Was she good at house keeping ?

10 It was like an order,wasn’t it?

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