описание зебры на английском языке

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описание зебры на английском языке

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As for the background color of the zebra, there are often two mutually exclusive positions: white or black. Lisa Smith (Lisa Smith) argues that experts often view the zebra as a black horse in a white stripe [1]. Despite the common sign of black and white stripes, all three species of zebras are not closer relatives to each other than to other types of horses. In the extinct subspecies of the plain zebra, the quagga, the strips were confined to the neck region, while other, absolutely unrelated species also tend to form strips on the legs, for example, okapi. In evolutionary terms, the strips are probably anti-tracking, which react to Polarization of light, which differs from reflection from a strip of different colors [2]. According to another hypothesis, puberty also makes it possible to evaluate the outlines of the animal’s body. Propagation Edit Initially, zebras were spread throughout Africa. In North Africa were exterminated already in antiquity. Today the area of ​​the most common plains zebra covers the south of Sudan and Ethiopia, the savannah of East Africa to the south of the continent. Desert zebra occurs in dry savannahs in East Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia. Mountain zebra is the least widespread species, its range is limited by the highland plateaus of Namibia and South Africa, where it occurs at an altitude of up to 2000 m.

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