Нужно очень срочно!!!!Умоляю…Put the verbs in brackets into thepresent perfect or the present perfectcontinuous1 She(already/buy) tickets for the concert.2 Mark …………… (play) football all morning.3 The rescue team(look) for the missing climber for a week.4 Chris(exercise)for weeks and feels terrific.5 I’m sorry I’m late.(you/wait) long?​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Нужно очень срочно!!!!Умоляю…
Put the verbs in brackets into the
present perfect or the present perfect
1 She
(already/buy) tickets for the concert.
2 Mark …………… (play) football all morning.
3 The rescue team
(look) for the missing climber for a week.
4 Chris
for weeks and feels terrific.
5 I’m sorry I’m late.
(you/wait) long?​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Ответ:1. has already bought

2. has been playing

3. has been looking

4. has exercised

5. How long have you been waiting?

Объяснение: В 1 і 4 є наслідок, тому present perfect simple, а в 2, 3 та 5 вказується на тривалість, тому cont.

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