написать сочинение мой сад на английском

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

написать сочинение мой сад на английском

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

I would like my garden to be very beautiful and admired by people passing by. On weekends and during the holidays I would invite my dear relatives and friends to this beautiful garden to enjoy the aroma of fruit trees, to hear the smell of all the flowers. Before entering the garden, I would like to make an arch so that the first idea of ​​the garden of each person would cause a smile. In my garden there must necessarily be paths along which beautiful flowers grow. Near the walls of the house, I want to pasadit climbing roses, which during their flowering will give the house an unusual look.

In the garden, not only fruketovye trees grow, but also slim birches. And in order for music to sound in my garden, I will make birdhouses for birds.

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